
 A Capella

A Cappella (in its Italian spelling)  means "in the chapel".  Acapella-Recording was formed in Brighton in 2022 to offer field recording for any musical situation where the impact of the acoustical environment needs to be balanced against the musical content; either because it is wanted, such as a singing group in a Church, or because its presence needs to be minimised, such as  choirs, big bands or orchestras which fall outside the scope of multi-track recording. 

This is generally accomplished using simple stereo techniques but can be enhanced using conventional multi track recording. 

Acapella-recording operates on a not-for-profit basis offering the following limited services: 

 See "Production & Distribution" page for more details, or "Contact" page if you are thinking of using us, or email me to find out more. 

Sadly, working on a not-for-profit basis requires investment in equipment,  and expenses to be met, resulting in negotiable charges which may be waived for registered charities.